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Why so long between documentaries?

Since I came back online a few people have been contacting me asking why I take so long to make a documentary?

Well, the obvious answer is because of the current pandemic situation and my accident that saw me break my leg. But the other answer is that I don‘t just work on videos for Amazon Prime or YouTube. I also produce content for stock media companies that includes videos and photography that are used by news agencies, magazines and websites like the photo you see below, which incidentally is one of mine.

But I also do something else I have never really told anyone about and I am still only skirting around the outside due to certain data protection protocols.

I also give talks to companies in relation to crime and anti social behaviour. This also means I have to produce a video in order to make it more engaging and hard hitting, which again can also have an impact on my documentary making.

But at the same time and on the same lines. I also go into schools with the police to talk to students about the same issues in order to try and educate them on such things and the consequences that can follow if they take the wrong path.

Plus, in between all that I have to juggle family life, personal issues and anything else that comes my way.

But I’m also writing a new book which is coming along well, so if you like the odd crime horror, then this will be right up your street.

So now you know why I don’t always churn videos out like other presenters. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be new material in the future. As a matter of fact I’m currently working on something new.

Thanks for reading.

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